Tilke Platteel-Deur

The Art of Integrative Breathwork Therapy

11. July 2024
by Tilke Platteel-Deur
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Breathwork Unveiled: Transformative Insights from Leading Experts – Tilke Platteel-Deur

Happy to let you know that Mystic Mag has published the article today “Breathwork Unveiled: Transformative Insights from Leading Experts”

Coherent Breathing for Long-term Mental Health

Breathwork, an age-old practice rooted in ancient traditions, has gained significant traction as a transformative tool for modern well-being and personal growth. By consciously controlling our breath, we can tap into an array of benefits that span from emotional stability to stress reduction […]

Tilke Platteel-Deur, author of The Art of Integrative Therapy and co-lead of the Institute for Integrative Breathwork Therapy shares how a regular breathwork practice can contribute to long-term mental health improvement for those dealing with chronic stress and anxiety:

“The autonomic nervous system has two main components: the sympathetic system, fight or flight, and the parasympathetic nervous system, rest and digest or feed and breed.  When confronted with an immediate dangerous situation, the systematic system in the body functions automatically to protect us against acute peril. Once the perceived threat has passed, the parasympathetic system calms us down again. We go back to a healthy balance between the two systems. more…

Here is the link to the whole article:

Atem Intensiv Seminar in Köln - Tilke Platteel-Deur & Binnie A. Dansby

18. April 2023
by Tilke Platteel-Deur
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Renewal & Reconnection – full three days intensive with Tilke Platteel-Deur & Binnie A. Dansby

from Fri. 8 to Sun. 10 September 2023 in Cologne

The workshop is held in English with German live translation by Monika Maas

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Atem Intensiv Seminar in Köln - Tilke Platteel-Deur & Binnie A. Dansby

3 days Intense Breathwork Seminar in Köln

Meet two of the most experienced breathwork experts worldwide, in Cologne for a full three-day intensive workshop.

In these three days we will not only dive deep into the breath, but just as much into the quality of our thought. Breathwork combined with clarity of thinking gives us an energy boost and purification which is tangible on every level.

Binnie & Tilke will nurture our body, mind, and soul with precious information, and share their vast experience and wisdom about the conscious connected breath.
We will be led safely into breathwork sessions, deepening our sense of self and our inner clarity.

It’s depth work. It’s cave diving.

It’s discovering deeper wells of resource, resilience, and trust in the choices we make. 

The workshop is open for everybody who searches profound breathwork and true knowledge in a safe environment. Whether you’re a complete newbie or already breathwork therapist / facilitator, this training will meet you where you are.

Binnie A. Dansby (England / US) and Tilke Platteel-Deur (Netherlands) are among the pioneers of conscious connected breathwork and carry the great passion to accompany people in their personal growth process. In particular, they are passionate about releasing obstructive mental programes and signatures through conscious connected breathing.

Participation only after registration possible

Date: Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 10 am – 5 pm each day
Workshop fee
: 590,- €
Location: Tajet Garden, Alteburger Str. 250, 50968 Cologne (Köln), Germany
Information & registration: Register now >>

8. December 2022
by Tilke Platteel-Deur
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Discover Your True Inner Being with Tilke Platteel-Deur

We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of lying back, believing that our personal development is finished. We have to be completely dedicated to our further inner growth. I have to be completely present in the here and now. 

Tilke Platteel-Deur, Breathwork Therapist

This week, Mystic Mag had the opportunity to interview Tilke Platteel-Deur, Breathwor Therapist. We discussed her beginnings, what can a person expect from her sessions, and what she loves most about her profession.

Here you find the whole article:

2. December 2022
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

The Heart of the Matter

Tilke Platteel-Deur

It’s the first day of a 2-day Intensive. Since some years now, I have been offering small two day group work sessions, in my own house, for 2 or 3 people.
Doing intensive work in a small group, being present, and observing all the sessions during our time together, is truly deepening, and satisfying for all of us. I especially love these intensive days, where I give each participant a session, in the presence of the others.

Two women have come, of whom I know Elsa very well. She is a breathwork therapist and trainer. The other woman Melanie, I don’t know at all. However, Integrative Breathwork and connected breathing comes as easily for Melanie, she is in her second year of a Breathwork training.
After our first longer breathing meditation together, to get clear about personal goals, I decide
to start the work with Melanie. She wants to reconnect with the feeling of being whole again.

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21. January 2022
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Those nasty little judgments

How judgements remove us from who we truly are

by Tilke Platteel-Deur

The older I get, the more I breathe, the longer I do the work, the more I am finally beginning to understand; how small seemingly unimportant judgments are clouding our consciousness.
How poisonous they are.
How they create ever more distance from who we really are, a distance that has been formed
while growing up.

Growing up
The Emotional

As a new-born baby we are emotionally feeling beings. We are born innocent.

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1. July 2021
by Tilke Platteel-Deur
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What is the burning issue?

In every session I give or receive, it is always the same question:
‘What is the burning issue?’

An issue or an upset, which came up as a more or less disturbing moment in daily life is brought into the session. But as we begin to look into it, deeper layers of inner discomfort become visible.
However, we are never upset for the reason we think. We need to understand, that what we think to be the reason for our upset, mostly lies under the surface, deeply hidden in our early years.

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21. April 2021
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Getting Grounded & restoring Inner Balance

by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Nature shows us how our connection to the Divine Mother Earth must always come first.
When you put a seed in the ground, what happens?
First, it grows a root to anchor itself into the earth. Only then, it begins to grow taller, forming leaves and reaching up into the light.

We, as human beings, need to be grounded first to feel safe in our body, to anchor ourselves in our foundation, which is our pelvis. It is the largest bone structure in the body. If we relax into it, it feels similar to sitting in a comfortable armchair. It’s meant to be cozy and nice in there.

Conscious Connected Breath

Using the in-breath we take in energy. Breathing into the nose, pulling the energy behind the forehead and up through our thoughts, reaching into the sky.
The out-breath only seems to be about letting out air.

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21. July 2018
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Silent Joy

Merging Female and Male Energy

Tilke Platteel-Deur

Breath – especially the Connected Breath – is like an Emperors way into the different aspects of our Being.

Using visualisation as well as a very precise and fine connected breath, we are able to consciously merge our masculine and feminine energy.

In this workshop I will demonstrate and teach the essential elements that can create a state of peaceful joy, deep within ourselves.
A workshop for people, well experienced in conscious connected breathing and feeling safe with their sexual energy.

Read the whole article as PDF >>

22. March 2018
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

A quick fix or deep growth

Why deep growth needs commitment and time

Many people ask themselves why the world has become so different from the world they knew, why they can’t figure out, why they often feel confused and not content and peaceful. One of the causes is that men as well as woman do not really live in the present moment anymore, and therefore have forgotten the art of slowness. They live to survive. They live their male energy, running, thinking, acting and Continue Reading →

Video: “Returning to Source: Mother Wounding and Unconditional Love” with Tilke Platteel-Deur

16. March 2018 by Tilke Platteel-Deur | 0 comments

Jim Morningstar interviewing Tilke Platteel-Deur about
“Mother Wounding and Unconditional Love”

Tilke Platteel-Deur, Dutch therapist and breathwork trainer for over 40 years, shares her personal and professional experiences of how the mother child relationship influences our feelings of security and lovability from birth throughout our life … and ways each one of us can transform this most significant relationship with breathwork. Continue Reading →

12. February 2016
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Cold Water Breathwork

The basic rule is that clients should move into the water, inch by inch, waiting each time until the part of the body that is immersed in the water feels comfortable. Only then, do they move further into the water. The principle of seeking the point where we feel comfortable and pleasurable in our bodies Continue Reading →

12. February 2016
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

Inner Qualities of a Professional Breathworker

After I finished High School, in 1956, I went to the ‘Rotterdamse Dans Academie’. Modern Dance was what I loved most. I took exams in it and I taught it. All movements in this type of dance, which is Martha Graham style, are built on breathing. This technique uses the inhale to stretch the body and the exhale to contract the body and the movement evolves out of the exhale. This technique helped me enormously to get a deeper contact with my body, my feelings and with life itself.

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12. February 2016
by Tilke Platteel-Deur

The Psychology of Selves

Consciousness is both the experience and the awareness of the different energies we experience in life. Out of experience and awareness, an aware ego emerges. This aware ego is not something static but is continuously in the process of becoming more and more aware.

Consciousness is both the experience and the awareness of the different energies we experience in life. Out of experience and awareness, an aware ego emerges. This aware ego is not something static but is continuously in the process of becoming more and more aware. Continue Reading →