Tilke Platteel-Deur

The Art of Integrative Breathwork Therapy

The Heart of the Matter


Tilke Platteel-Deur

It’s the first day of a 2-day Intensive. Since some years now, I have been offering small two day group work sessions, in my own house, for 2 or 3 people.
Doing intensive work in a small group, being present, and observing all the sessions during our time together, is truly deepening, and satisfying for all of us. I especially love these intensive days, where I give each participant a session, in the presence of the others.

Two women have come, of whom I know Elsa very well. She is a breathwork therapist and trainer. The other woman Melanie, I don’t know at all. However, Integrative Breathwork and connected breathing comes as easily for Melanie, she is in her second year of a Breathwork training.
After our first longer breathing meditation together, to get clear about personal goals, I decide
to start the work with Melanie. She wants to reconnect with the feeling of being whole again.

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