Tilke Platteel-Deur

The Art of Integrative Breathwork Therapy

Book: The Art of Integrative Therapy – Tilke Platteel-Deur


Therapy leads to becoming a happier person. Integrative Breathwork supports us to integrating spirituality into our lives as well. This book reveals how Breathwork enhances and deepens the traditional process of formal psychotherapy and takes healing to levels often untouched by traditional treatments.It is a source of deep inspiration for therapists and clients alike. It emphasises the healing influence that emanates from the very special relationship – loving but never intruding – between therapist and client, which is such a basic ingredient for healing.Schools for therapy and Breathwork around the work will profit greatly by using this book.


The Art of Integrative Therapy

Healing the past on a soul level

A book to ease the life of therapists and inspire their clients.

Therapy leads to becoming a happier person. Integrative Breathwork supports us to integrating spirituality into our lives as well. This book reveals how Breathwork enhances and deepens the traditional process of formal psychotherapy and takes healing to levels often untouched by traditional treatments.It is a source of deep inspiration for therapists and clients alike. It emphasises the healing influence that emanates from the very special relationship – loving but never intruding – between therapist and client, which is such a basic ingredient for healing.Schools for therapy and Breathwork around the work will profit greatly by using this book.

Postage: Postage of €7 is added to the retail price of €22.
Quantity discount: If you order 10 pieces, you get one book for free.


Connected breathing – as it has been practiced for thousands of years – connects thinking and feeling and creates a passageway to spirituality.

Integrative Breathwork enhances and deepens the traditional process of formal psychotherapy and takes healing to levels often untouched by traditional treatments.

‘The Art of Integrative Therapy’ is a source of deep inspiration for therapists and clients alike. It emphasizes the healing influence that emanates from the very special relationship – loving but never intruding – between therapist and client, which is such a basic ingredient for healing.

Schools for therapy and Breathwork around the work will profit greatly by using this book.

Book reviews

“This book gives a most astonishing view behind the scenes of a master therapist; it is therapeutic in just its reading. This is a delight for practitioners and clients alike who are willing to learn and grow on a soul level.”
Jim Morningstar, Author of Breathing in Light and Love, USA

“In reading The Art of Integrative Therapy, we see the work of a mature therapist, with many years of rich experience. Tilke is truly a master at what she does.”
Hal and Sidra Stone, Authors of Embracing Your Selves, USA

“What a treasure lies behind Bangladesh Lilies! To me it is a pleasure to see complicated theories presented in such a loving and practical way. Inspirational. This book will be a help for people in the nurturing fields.”
Amba, Massage Therapist, Spain

“This is the most important and useful book to date for breathwork teachers, therapists, and clients alike. Tilke’s vast experience of this subject shines through every page, and gives us a taste of her own very personal and loving style as a longstanding therapist in this field.”
Clare Gabriel, Therapist, Chairman of the British Rebirth Society, UK

“Concise, candid, insightful, wise… this book is penned by a true maverick in the field of integrative therapy. Tilke blends theory and case study in a very skillful way. A must read for workers in the helping professions and in fact, for anyone wishing to enhance their relational life-skills.”
Judee Gee, Author of Intuition, France

“I was given as studying assignment to read your book “The Art of Integrative Therapy”; at the beginning I found it not too easy to “summarize”, but the more I read it, the more I absorbed the messages, the more I liked it … and I ended loving it. A precious book, indeed, … to be slowly assimilated. Thank you again!”
Carlo Ludovico Maini, Physician, Integrative Breathwork Therapist

“You have written a wonderful book. So honest, warm and thoughtful for all areas of life.I have received much reassurance, encouragement and inspiration. Thank you!”
Susanne Amberg-Schneeweis, Trainer, Vienna, Austria

“Dear Tilke, I have now finished reading your book and would like to say THANK YOU again from the bottom of my heart. I enjoyed every page and often took a break in between to process what I had read. I was able to incorporate many impulses into my work …”
Krista-Gilda Kerner, Neweda, Austria

“Een waar geschenk. Naast alle specifieke en zeer precies omschreven methoden van het werk, houdingsaspecten, en achtergrondtheorie, is het net of je naast me op de bank zit, of tegenover mij zit en mij meeneemt in een ademsessie.
Het boek is meegegaan op vakantie in het Noord-Hollands duingebied en ik heb onder het geluid van klapperend tentdoek, het ruisen van de wind en de zee je boek afwisselend lachend, huilend, begrijpend, ja-knikkend, nieuwschierig, verwonderd, integer in mij opgenomen. Het ligt nu als bijbeltje op mijn nachtkastje.
Een waardevolle aanwinst, niet alleen voor ademtherapeuten en cliënten”
Ingeborg & Gijs, Netherlands

Extra informatie

Gewicht 0,300 kg
Afmetingen 2 × 17 × 23 cm

Postage costs of €7 are added to the retail price of €22.


If you order 10 copies, you get one book for free.

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